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How much should I expect my kitchen remodel to cost?
Average full kitchen remodels in Baltimore, Maryland range from $32,000 to $58,000+ depending on the size and scope of work.
Average luxury full kitchen remodels range from $60,000 to $92,000+ depending on size and scope.
*averages include materials and labor
What does the timeline entail?
A full kitchen renovation typically can take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks depending on the size.
A partial kitchen renovation can typically take anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks depending on the size.
What should I expect during my kitchen remodel?
Your kitchen will be non-functional during construction. We strongly enncourage you to have an area designated for a microwave, grittle, or refridgerator during the time of the project. We will give you the green light when the space is free for you to use again!
If you have any additional questions about functionality during your remodel, please give us a call at 443-405-7761.
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